🔵NVTX Fairlaunch

In order to generate interest in our upcoming project, we will be launching a marketing campaign to promote our token mission. The aim of this campaign is to gauge people's interest in the project and determine the level of enthusiasm for NovatX AI.

Our fundraising goal is to raise funds for the development of our products and to attract interested audiences to join the NovatX AI project. The majority of the funds will be allocated towards system development, hiring new employees, marketing efforts, and improving existing AI systems or developing new ones. NovatX AI Fairlaunch will be hosted on Pinksale. Users must have an BEP-20 Wallet (Metamask, Trust Wallet, etc..) Please do not use any exchange wallet to purchase NVTX tokens. Fairlaunch link: https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0xea7AD913b40984b0F2C5eDcc94f28f1487f7262C?chain=BSC

In brief,

On-platform, users and NovatX AI partners will transact using the NVTX token built on the Binance Smart Chain Network.

For NovatX AI, NVTX token and Smart Contracts replace fiat currency and privately administered code respectively.

Stay tuned for the exact date and time of our NovatX AI Fairlaunch announcement, which will be posted on all our social media channels. During the Fairlaunch stage, 300,000,000 NVTX tokens will be available for purchase at the best price, allowing early adopters to secure tokens before they become available to others. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to be part of NovatX AI's journey!

Find us:

Website: https://novatx.ai

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NovatXAI

Telegram Group: https://t.me/NovatXAI

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/NovatXAIAnn

Github: https://github.com/NovatXAI

Docs: https://docs.novatx.ai/

Medium: https://novatxai.medium.com/

LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/novatxai

Reddit: https://reddit.com/user/NovatXAI Youtube: https://youtube.com/@NovatXAI Quest3: http://app.quest3.xyz/NovatXAI

CoinMarketCap: Coming soon CoinGecko: Coming soon

Last updated